Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fox's Ablow: There's No Such Thing As Being Transgender

Dr. Keith Ablow

This guy isn't exactly public enemy number one but he should be put on the top 20 list. Simply put he stated; "I don't believe we have definitive data (although many psychiatrists with very impressive credentials, who seem to mean well, assert that we do) that any male or female soul has ever in the history of the world been born into the wrong anatomic gender. Let me put that more clearly:  I am not convinced by any science I can find that people with definitively male DNA and definitively male anatomy can actually be locked in a cruel joke of nature because they are actually female."

Stating such a thing ridicules what many transgender people have been saying for decades, and further more shouldn't have been put on public television without any reason that we should trust him as a professional. When he says "I can find that people with definitively male DNA and definitively male anatomy can actually be locked in a cruel joke of nature because they are actually female" people have researched this kinds of shit for decades and have concluded that your own sex (physical) doesn't define your gender (mental).

Without any definitive evidence to support his claims. MediaMatters also goes on to state; "Ablow has a history of commenting on issues that he's completely unqualified to discuss. A repeated misinformer on LGBT people, Ablow is one of the most prominent faces of Fox's transphobia problem. He's one of the network's most vocal defenders of junk "ex-gay" therapy programs and lashes out against the American Psychological Association for being politically motivated whenever its stances don't comport with his bigoted views." Which to me concludes there is no bases that the public should hold anything that he stated on air as gospel.

For more information about the article please click here.

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