Sunday, January 26, 2014

Natural Transitioning Combined with a healthy diet and exercise

Alright guys I've heard that there is a "natural" way to transition - which isn't as effective as taking HRT (hormone replacement treatment), but apparently helps to make some changes in your body. For about a week I was out of commotion due to inflaming my sciatica in my right side down to the calf - this was obviously NOT fun for me and set me back on exercise, and I'm wasn't able to provide a healthy diet while not feeling well so I'm sure I've regained something (lost 29lbs recently and haven't weighed since). Since I am now able to stand for a extended amount of time again I'll absolutely get back to a healthy diet and keep you updated - I'll post about every 10 days with the total amount lost, recent changes, and a general overview of how I feel the process is going.

I'll be taking DHEA and maybe some other supplements or herbs which I will also update on as well - don't have a ton of money but I'll get whatever I can to help this process. Also just letting you guys know what I'm doing to increase my overall testosterone level.

As studies show T is increased by healthy eating, exercising (mainly weights), and getting enough sleep. I'll let you guys know the female body can gain tons of muscle but you have to train heavier - this does not mean going all out and pulling a muscle (pulling a muscle hurts like hell and can result in tearing the muscle from the bone).

I had read this article:

Which I didn't 100% agree with because I'm a vegetarian for the simple reason to decrease cholesterol which can also be found in plants (the good kind of cholesterol), and additional ethical reasons that I will not disclose here... But he does make plenty of other good points - and some of them I've already mentioned previously.

So check back in about 10 days and I'll let you know about how I'm doing along with managing my pain.


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